Saturday, May 20, 2006

Its funny how everything turns out to be so perfect, when u expect the worst!

umm, yeah, ive got the wheel in control again :P
i tell u what, ill even let u drive if u promise to be good, ok? ;)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


It's ok to make mistakes, but hey, ur not man enough to forgive!

and it's still ok by me, coz at least i know now that there should be no more wasting time

oh but i believe.... i believe and theres nothing u could do about it to stop me

only now, i believe a little differently

its changed

totally changed

but hey, its ur lost man...... u r the one whos gonna pay for it

im still a believer,

maybe i was a lot more at the beginig, or maybe even till a week ago

maybe i was a bit too optimistic


one thing id like to admit, even though it was hard, im fine.... and im happy

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Wheellll back me son..... you took the wrong bend!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Now I know... I CAN hate! I can hate ME..... and thats the one thing i should LOVE